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A simple, economical and proven solution


advanced technology

Accuva Cellect


Accuva Cellect : Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) System

Power and Precision in One System
  • Gentle IR laser ideal for capture of single cells and small numbers of cells
  • UV laser offers superior speed and precision optimal for dense tissue structures
  • Simple, intuitive system enables rapid custody and improves downstream analysis.
Capture Only the Cells You Need

Isolating just the cells you want and capturing only the cells you want and enriching for specific cell types provides a more accurate genetic profile for earlier stage analysis.

Features and Benefits
  • Dual laser systemEnables a wide range of applications ranging from single-cell isolation to large biopsy extractions, expanding utility and helping to ensure reliability of cell capture across sample types without contamination or damage to morphology.
  • Intuitive software
    Allows rapid isolation of specific cells in five simple steps and quality control with visual inspection, making documentation and sample custody easy.
  • Service and support
    Training and 48-hour response times, keeping you working.
  • Flexible sample prep
    Support for a wide range of slide types and sample preparation formats.  If you have an existing workflow, we can work with that or we have validated workflow for you.
  • Compact design
    The footprint is ~32% smaller microscope and laser systems, saving bench space.

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The integrated solution for automating the extraction of micro-populations of interest from paraffin blocks, using a digital slide.

With MiniPunch®, it is now possible to automate the sampling of 200 µm diameter tissue samples from paraffin blocks based on the selection of regions of interest on a digital histological slide. This technology bridges the gap between cellular morphology in a tissue and molecular analysis using AI tools developed by our teams.

The system handles 16 paraffin blocks per run and uses single-use needles to prevent cross-contamination. Each sample taken with the needle is deposited in a microtube or a 96-wells microplate. Visual and digital controls (photos of the sampling area before and after extraction) ensure full traceability between the digital slide and the final sample.

Whether in Oncology, Neurology, Immunology, Immuno-oncology, or Infectious Diseases, you can now analyze micro-zones of interest for molecular biology and precision proteomics analyses at a reasonable cost and on many samples.

The computerized system, very compact with an integrated
touchscreen, offers multiple advantages :
  • Simple, integrates easily into laboratory routine
  • Compatible with numerous market scanners
  • Precision of tissue sampling
  • Optimal traceability


French technology protected by a patent


Excilone has also developed a proprietary technique enabling molecular analyses of FFPE micro-samples for nucleic acid extraction without deparaffinization.

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